EM Radiation Research Trust would like to express our dissatisfaction with the Channel 5 episode ‘Smart Meters Should You Get One?’ Aired at 8pm on 31st January 2024: https://tvregular.com/2024/01/31/smart-meters-should-you-get-one-31-january-2024-on-channel-5/
The EM Radiation Research Trust encouraged the public to watch Channel 5s episode on Smart Meters and we are now reviewing comments from the public with many people calling the programme a whitewash, biased and an advertisement for smart meters while others are saying that the programme did not provide both sides of the story and therefore leaving the public powerless and unable to make informed decisions.
According to the latest Government report, at the end of September 2023, there were 33.9 million smart and advanced meters in Great Britain in homes and small businesses (59% of all meters). That is a lot of people WITHOUT smart meters in this country. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6567152e312f40000de5d574/Q3_2023_Smart_Meters_Statistics_Report.pdf
The episode ended with a call for the public to “listen to the experts.” This comment has backfired. MSM reported that many viewers were fuming at this conclusion as they vowed to never get a smart meter.
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