DEADLINE: THU 30 NOV 2023 Victoria Park Waterloo LIVERPOOL

For the attention of: Sefton Council Planning John Kerr

Cc  Peter Dowd MP


Les Byrom

Janet Grace

Michael Roche

Letter of Objection against 5G phone mast 

Ref: Planning Application – DC/2023/01871

Site Address: DC/2023/01871 Victoria Park,  Park View, Waterloo Liverpool L22 2AP

Application for 25m high climbable monopole, 1No. circular headframe to support 6 antennas and 4 dishes + 4 cabinets enclosed by 2.5m high mesh panel fence with shark tooth spikes.

I am the Co-founder and Charity Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust from 2003 to ,  Co-founder and Board member for the International EMF Alliance 2009 to date:  I was previously a member of the European Commission Stakeholder Dialogue Group on EMF from 2011 – 2014 and a member of the UK Health Protection Agency, Radiation Protection Division EMF Discussion Group from 2006-2008 Chaired by the previous Health Protection Agency Chairman Sir William Stewart.  I was a Co-founder and Chair for (SCRAM) Seriously Concerned Residents against Masts. 2002 – 2005.

Objection from the EM Radiation Research Trust for the following reasons: Objection against 5G Victoria Park, Park View, Waterloo Liverpool L22 2AP