The attached document is a list of all publications and letters that Olle has been a named author of over the last couple of years.…
The UK Radiation Research Trust (RRT) would like to thank fellow trustee Dr Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP and her team for providing the RRT…
The European Commission held an outstanding conference attempting to bring opposing views together to discuss how best to evaluate scientific evidence and present the assessments…
Barack Obama recently said that science is about ensuring that facts and evidence are never twisted or obscured by politics or ideology. It's about listening…
In addition to the recent message #1000 "Electrosensitivity becomes an "inconvenient truth" in Sweden", published on the list by John and Rigmor Granlund-Lind, Monday December…
The European Commission's independent Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) has updated its opinion on possible health effects of electromagnetic fields…
Other Coverage: Powerwatch UK The Versailles Court of Appeal has upheld a decision by the Crown Court of Nanterre to force mobile telephony company Bouygues Telecom…