$25 million study finds cell phone radiation causes cancer in rats

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Mobile phones


MONSTER MAST Infographic and Action Pack

   SAY NO TO MONSTER MASTS! 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G..... EM Radiation Research Trust MONSTER MAST Infographic download here: 👉 Monster Mast  (MONSTER MAST artwork copyright 2025…

Smartymeter Infographic and Action Pack

Say no to smart meters EM Radiation Research Trust Infographic 'Smartymeter,' click on the links within the cartoon for information. Download infographic 'Smartymeter' monster cartoon here: say…

EM Radiation Research Trust Conferences, Interviews and Seminars

EM Radiation Research Trust Conferences, Interviews and Seminars Please consider making a donation to our charity to help pay towards further promotion material and campaign…

‘Save the Male’ Ad Campaign – Your future is in your hands

Please feel free to download, print out, the Save the Males poster - Your future is in your hands Poster 👉 save_males. NB. The Save the Males poster…